Save Money on Your Insurance Premiums with Malarkey Roofing Products
This Malarkey Roofing Products Highlander NEX in Black Oak provides several benefits beyond just a new roof! This is a Class 3 impact resistant product for the same price as everyone else's standard shingles. This saves money on insurance premiums giving plenty of ROI over the years! Combine that with the smog reducing granules that help to clean the air, along with the upcycling of raw materials from used tires and plastics, and you just can't beat it. Black Oak is my favorite Malarkey color and we were so happy to install one this time!
This is a beautiful home built in 1856. There were numerous challenges to overcome with all of the additions and changes over the generations. It took a lot of hard work and creativity to restore this roof for the long term! Get in touch with us and let's see what we can do to overcome your unique challenges to give you the best, most long-lasting roof possible!
Hometown Construction 785, LLC (785) 979-0043
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